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Writer's pictureSimon Denhere

Cultivating Conscious Change: Forging a path for Circular Agriculture in Zimbabwe & Southern Africa.

Date: September 4, 2023

In the heart of Zimbabwe's Mhangura region, where fertile soil meets agricultural excellence, Grupo Stima and Meron Resources have embarked on a groundbreaking journey. They have established a joint venture agreement to create "Circular Agriculture Solutions," a bio-fertilizer and climate-resistant crop research lab. This initiative aims to revolutionize traditional farming practices, introduce sustainability, and breathe new life into the region's agriculture.

The Meron Resources Farm: A Legacy of Excellence

Meron Resources Farm, traditionally focused on Soya Beans, Maize, Tobacco, and indigenous crops like Sorghum and Millet, has been a cornerstone of agricultural production in the Mhangura region. Over the years, it has received recognition for its outstanding crops, earning a regional award in 2018. However, the farm has relied heavily on conventional farming inputs like urea-based fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, causing harm to the environment and soil quality degradation. The farm belongs to the Denhere Family and comprises of 325 Hectares and has been acquired in 2006 through a public and national initiative to promote domestic agriculture launched by the Government of Zimbabwe.

The Need for Change: Sustainable and Circular Agriculture

Despite its achievements, the Meron Resources Farm, like many other traditional farms, faced challenges such as soil degradation and occasional droughts. The need for a more sustainable and circular approach to agriculture became evident. Enter "Circular Agriculture Solutions," a partnership that marks a new chapter for the region.

Key Components of the Project:

1. Research Lab: The joint venture aims to establish a research lab incubating approximately 5 hectares of arable land, divided into 1-hectare test plots. Here, innovative farming techniques, bio-fertilizers, and climate-resistant crops will be developed and tested.

2. Technology Transfer: Grupo Stima and its international partners, including Naked Innovations and Seven Roots Venture Capital, will provide the technology and expertise required to execute pilot programs. This transfer of knowledge is a vital part of the project's success.

3. Sustainability: The project aligns with the principles of circular and regenerative agriculture, focusing on practices that enrich soil health, reduce waste, and promote resilience in the face of climate change.

A New Chapter Begins: September 2023

The project is set to commence in September 2023, signaling a new era for Meron Resources Farm and the Mhangura region. Grupo Stima, along with its global partners, will provide the inputs and expertise necessary to execute pilot programs that showcase the potential of circular agriculture.

Inviting International Stakeholders

Grupo Stima extends an invitation to international stakeholders to participate in this circular agricultural initiative for Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim is to encourage regenerative and sustainable farming practices that will not only benefit the region but also serve as a blueprint for the future of agriculture globally.

In a world facing climate challenges and increasing demand for food production, initiatives like "Circular Agriculture Solutions" stand as beacons of hope. As Grupo Stima and Meron Resources sow the seeds of change, we look forward to witnessing the transformation of traditional farming practices into a regenerative and sustainable future for Zimbabwe and beyond.

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